Solve metrology has been helping manufacturers meet their quality requirements for more than a decade. All equipment is tested with our certified calibration artifacts and procedures and compared to your calibration masters and procedures. This not only verifies proper calibration of the equipment but also verifies proper calibration and function of your masters and procedures.

We are experts in the field of precision metrology and machining with many years of experience in a wide variety of applications. We can assist you in solving your most difficult measuring and machining problems through our consulting services. We can also provide training on many types of metrology equipment and assist your technicians in writing measurement programs for your automated equipment such as roundness, surface finish, and contour gages.

Our customers continue to satisfy their compliance audits, customer audits and accreditation audit requirements.

Customized Service Plans

At Solve Metrology, we know that instruments being dropped, hit, run over, etc will fall out of calibration sooner resulting in less accurate measurements.

Solve Metrology comes to a client’s facility and observes tools usage and placement. We then help develop a plan based on your staffing and building layout to maximize the lifespan of tools. We can develop a plan for how frequent you equipment needs calibration and maintenance for you to stay compliant and pass your audits.

1. Get a Quote

Contact Solve Metrology and let’s talk about your equipment needs.

2. Develop a Plan

We will develop a competitively priced service plan to protect and service your equipment.

3. Rest Easy

You can rest easy knowing you are getting excellence through our exacting standards in scientific analysis and quality.